Transportation Injury Lawyers

Whether driving trucks cross-country, transporting goods and people across town, or working thousands of feet in the air as flight attendants, people in the transportation industry play a large role in Minnesota’s economy. But for every mile they accumulate each year, these workers put themselves at risk of suffering on-the-job injuries. If you were hurt at work, call our transportation injury lawyers today.

Fields Law Firm is one of the largest and most respected work injury law firms in the state. Our Minnesota Workers’ Compensation attorneys know that transportation workers like you are sometimes involved in serious accidents through no fault of your own. We’re here to answer any questions you might have.

It costs nothing to get answers to your questions –

Client Success Story

We represented a man who drove trucks and stocked inventory for a multi-national products wholesaler. The worker suffered an injury to his lumbar spine as a result of lifting heavy objects at work.

The employer and its insurer discontinued his Workers’ Compensation benefits arguing that he suffered from pre-existing lumbar spine disease. Despite this, the attorneys at Fields Law fought the insurance company to secure the worker a settlement of $100,000 for his work injury.

Common Transportation Injuries

Because transportation workers are often in vehicles traveling at high speed, they can suffer serious injuries during accidents, such as:

  • Head and Neck Injuries
    Truck, bus, and car accidents can put large amounts of force on the drivers’ bodies. This force can cause painful injuries to their heads and necks that may lead to disability and even become life-threatening.
  • Stress-Related Injuries
    Long-haul truck drivers may be on the road for nearly all of their waking hours for days or even weeks at a time. Sitting in the same position for long periods of time can put stress on muscles and joints and cause pain and injuries.
  • Crushing and Impact Injuries
    Turbulence can disrupt flights and cause airplanes to move erratically in the sky. Although passengers are often secured in their seats when turbulence strikes, flight attendants have no protection and may get crushed by debris or luggage inside the aircraft.

We Handle on All Transportation Injury Claims

No matter how severe your transportation-related injury is, you can count on our Minnesota Workers’ Compensation law firm to give you the respect and attention you need. We’re here to answer any questions you have and give you advice that can make a difference in your life after getting hurt at work. Give us a call today – we’re here to help.