15 “Red Flag” Reasons to Request a Free Workers’ Comp Claim Review

Every day we talk to people just like you. People who aren’t sure if they have a Workers’ Compensation claim, or don’t know if they are receiving all of the benefits they deserve. Some are questioning what the claim adjuster has told them, and others are worried that their benefits are going to be cut off.

It costs nothing to get answers to your questions –

There are so many different and unique situations for each case, but there’s always one common element – the Workers’ Compensation insurance company that follows their standard operating procedures. We know what they can and can’t do, and we’ve put together a list of reasons that could be red flags that the insurance company is going to try to deny your Workers’ Compensation claim.

  1. Are you receiving the wage loss benefits you deserve?
  2. Are your medical expenses getting paid?
  3. Have they scheduled an Independent Medical Exam (IME)?
  4. Are you being referred to an Occupational Medicine Doctor?
  5. Are you being denied surgery for your work injury?
  6. Is your employer unable to accommodate your work restrictions?
  7. Is there a lack of response from the employer/insurance company?
  8. Have you been told your claim is closed?
  9. Were you sent back to work before you were ready?
  10. Were you terminated while on work restrictions?
  11. Do you feel you’re being harassed?
  12. Did your employer go out of business?
  13. Do you have an old work injury and need additional treatment?
  14. Did your injury occur in another state while working for a Minnesota-based company?
  15. Did your injury occur while working in Minnesota, on a per diem basis, through an out of state company?

Call us today to schedule your free Workers’ Compensation claim review, and let us help you get the benefits you deserve.