How much can I get for my car accident injuries?

The potential financial compensation from a car accident lawsuit or insurance claim can greatly differ depending on the circumstances. If your injuries required an initial emergency room or primary care visit and a few follow up appointments, your claim’s value may amount to a few thousand dollars if your injuries fully heal. On the other hand, if the accident caused severe injuries or permanent disabilities, your compensation would be calculated differently and likely much higher.

Significant injuries can result in loss of earnings if you are unable to work for a period of time, or in some cases, you are unable to return to work. This could lead to a considerable loss in future income, which is often complex to estimate. An experienced law firm can work with experts to help determine the total wage loss you’re likely to incur throughout your working years.

Moreover, serious injuries can require continuing medical care and treatment, possibly for many years into the future. If your treating doctors anticipate the need for ongoing treatment, it’s crucial to claim compensation that covers all future medical expenses. To estimate these medical costs, your attorney may collaborate with a life care planner who has expertise in calculating these healthcare needs and treatment costs.

It costs nothing to get answers to your questions –

The value of your car accident injuries depends on many different factors that are referred to as damages. There are two general categories of damages – economic and noneconomic.

Examples of these types of damages include:

Economic Damages

  • Medical bills
  • Surgery costs
  • Medications
  • Physical therapy & Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Loss of future earning capacity

Noneconomic Damages

  • Mental and emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Permanent disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Identifying the different damages related to your injuries and calculating the value of your case is complicated and is one of the most important reasons to consult with an attorney following a car accident.