Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Arizona
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Arizona.
Harry – Salesman – Phoenix, Arizona
A salesman from Arizona had been in a car accident that caused a disabling back condition. After filing a claim for Long Term Disability benefits, the insurance company denied benefits stating his conditions were pre-existing. He was forced out of work just two days before being covered for an entire year, which is what triggered the pre-existing denial. Fields Law Firm took the case on, knowing it would be an upward battle.
The Fields Law Firm attorneys crafted three separate appeals for our client, each time finding new support that our client’s conditions were not all covered during the pre-existing period. We argued that our client also had disabling conditions beyond his back pain. After years of fighting with the insurer, our attorneys negotiated a deal that got our client his best-case scenario, and then some. Our client was pleased with the results and thankful for the hard work the Fields Disability team put into his case.
Carl – Division Manager – Phoenix, Arizona
A Division Manager from Arizona was forced out of work due to disabling medical conditions, much of which was self-reported cognitive decline. Initially, the insurer had paid his benefits, but after a year with no support of doctors or any diagnosis beyond mental health, the insurer discontinued paying for benefits. Two years later, he discovered from an MRI that, in a surgery many years’ prior, the surgeons had failed to close a hole in his skull. It was at this point that he reached out to the Fields Law Firm team.
With this information, our team knew our client was disabled and that his symptoms should be attributed to this serious mistake. Our attorneys organized an appointment for a neuropsychology evaluation, which still did not give us conclusive reasoning behind our client’s symptoms. Our attorneys found another doctor to meet with him in Phoenix to review his case. This doctor advised the insurance company and all our client’s other doctors that his symptoms were, in fact, due to the hole left in his skull. With this fact now unavoidable, our attorneys negotiated a settlement for our client.
Sondra – Secretary – Phoenix, Arizona
A secretary developed severe COPD and was forced to leave her job. She was unable to handle even sedentary office work due to shortness of breath and dizziness. Her doctors told her the condition was terminal and she had just a few years left to live. She submitted a claim for Long Term Disability benefits from her disability insurance company. For a short period, the insurer paid her claim. Without warning, she was sent a denial letter. While paying the claim, the insurance company paid an investigator to conduct surveillance. The investigator observed her on a short walk at the park across the street from her apartment and the insurer used that as the basis for a denial. She appealed the decision on her own, but it was denied.
Knowing she needed help fighting the insurance company, she hired Fields Law to represent her. After reviewing our client’s claim file, our attorneys filed a lawsuit against the insurance company. We then negotiated a substantial settlement for our client, reflecting a large portion of the benefits she was owed through the life of the policy. The settlement allowed our client to afford necessary medicine and oxygen tanks and she was able to live out her remaining time with comfort and peace of mind.