Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Arkansas
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Arkansas.
Vester – Pneumatic Jack Operator – White Hall, Arkansas
Pancreatitis, Alcohol Dependency
A pneumatic jack operator from Arkansas began having severe abdominal pain from pancreatitis and complications from alcohol dependency. He was forced to leave work and enter in-patient care. After his release, he was in constant pain with severe abdominal pain. He could not return to work where he was constantly on his feet. He applied for Long Term Disability but was denied because the insurance company said he could still perform his job.
Unable to walk due to severe pain, he called Fields Law for assistance. Our team obtained all our client’s medical records and the claim file from the insurance company. Our attorneys found that the insurance company failed to consider all of our client’s ailments and submitted an appeal to the insurer. The insurer’s decision did not change, but our attorneys aggressively negotiated a pre-litigation settlement from the insurer. Our client received a lump-sum payment and a feeling of relief to be done fighting with his insurance company.
Sedrick – Customer Service Representative – Forrest City, Arkansas
A customer service representative from Arkansas began to lose feeling in his feet. Eventually, as a result of complications with diabetes, he had three toes amputated. The alternating pain and numbness became too much, and he was forced to stop working. He received Long Term Disability benefits for a few months through his employee insurance policy, but was suddenly told by the insurance company that he no longer fit their definition of disabled.
Worried that he was running out of money for treatment, he contacted Fields Law for help with his appeal. The attorneys at Fields Law scoured the insurer’s case file and gathered doctor’s reports to strengthen the appeal. The insurer denied the appeal.
Our attorneys filed a lawsuit in federal court against the insurance company. During preparations for trial, the Fields Law attorneys negotiated a generous lump-sum settlement for our client. He was happy to be done fighting the insurance company and pleased to be able to use the settlement check to pay for his treatment.
LaChrystal – Customer Service Clerk – Jacksonville, Arkansas
A customer service clerk from Arkansas was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She was living with family at the time who were causing stress and exacerbating her symptoms. She tried multiple medications to control her mental health issues, but ultimately was forced to stop working. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits but was denied through her employer’s insurance company.
Upset that her monthly income was gone, she contacted Fields Law for help. Our team gathered documentation from all her medical providers and helped her find new treatment after she decided to move to a new city. Our attorneys sent a strong appeal to the insurance company, but the insurer didn’t change their mind.
The Fields Law attorneys filed a lawsuit in federal court to fight for our client. During preparations for trial, our attorneys negotiated a generous lump-sum settlement. Our client was pleased with the settlement amount, and was glad to have Fields Law fighting for her.