Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Kansas

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Kansas.

We've got you covered

Griselda – Airplane Painter – Wichita, Kansas

An airplane painter from Kansas worked for several years before developing severe kidney dysfunction. It turned out that she had developed Goodpasture Syndrome as a result of poisoning from the industrial paints she had been using for work. As her conditions continued to degrade, she applied for and was approved Long Term Disability benefits. She remained on benefits for over nine years. Recently, she underwent a double kidney transplant. As soon as her condition stabilized after the surgery, the insurance company cut off her Long Term Disability benefits, claiming she was no longer disabled.

She attempted to appeal the insurer’s decision on her own, but they denied her appeal. Knowing she needed help with the next step, she retained the disability attorneys at Fields Law Firm. Our team of attorneys filed a lawsuit against the insurance company in federal court. Faced with the mounting litigation, the insurer was forced to come to a settlement agreement. Our client was soon able receive a check in the mail and focus on her ongoing recovery.

Aletha – Retail Store Manager – Haysville, Kansas

A retail store manager from Kansas began having serious back pain and knee pain. MRIs showed bulging discs in her back and that she needed knee surgery. She was forced to stop working due to the surgery and did not recover enough to return to work as a store manager. She received Long Term Disability benefits from her employee insurance plan for a few months, but the insurer stopped payments because she apparently had not supplied enough evidence of her disability. She submitted an appeal, but the insurer upheld their decision to stop paying.

Worried for her lost income and still unable to work, she called Fields Law for help. Our attorneys reviewed her claim file and determined she had a good claim. Our client wanted to keep her costs low, so our team pursued a quick resolution without incurring a court filing fee. Ultimately, our attorneys negotiated a generous lump-sum settlement before a lawsuit needed to be filed. Our client was pleased with the result and is happy to use her settlement check to continue her treatment.

Nina – Warehouse Supervisor – Salina, Kansas

A Warehouse Supervisor from Kansas underwent surgery to remove a tumor in her lung and experienced severe complications. She lost enough blood during the procedure that she had neurological symptoms. She applied for Long Term Disability through her employer’s insurance plan, but the insurer denied her application and said that she missed a deadline for documentation related to coverage.

She was furious that the insurance company accepted years of her premiums and then told her she was not covered. She called Fields Law for help. Our team obtained the claim file from the insurance company and found that the insurer misinterpreted the applicable law regarding coverage. The Fields Law attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company but they did not chsange their minds. Our attorneys filed a lawsuit in federal court against the insurance company. During preparations for a hearing, our attorneys negotiated a generous lump-sum settlement. Our client accepted and was happy to be through worrying about her disability claim.