Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Liberty Mutual

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against Liberty Mutual.

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Chue Pao – Machine Slitter (Machine Operator) – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

A man from Wisconsin worked as a Machine Slitter operating heavy machinery for over twenty years. Over the years, he developed degenerative disc disease throughout his lumbar spine, chronic lumbar back pain, and anterolisthesis. He tried to work through his growing pain but finally his doctors took him off work and he applied for Short Term Disability benefits. At first, he was paid his Short Term benefits but as the switch to Long Term benefits approached, his insurer denied the Short Term Disability claim and preemptively denied his Long Term Disability claim.

He quickly reached out to Fields Law for help. Our team reviewed all the documentation used to deny benefits and found that Liberty Mutual had adopted a medical record review by a physician who had never examined the client. This review failed to consider our client’s job duties, and the opinions of his doctors, before finding him not disabled. Our attorneys built an appeal with letters from the treating doctors responding to the medical record review, and federal guidelines detailing our client’s job duties. Moreover, we successfully argued that the medical record review ignored relevant evidence already provided to Liberty Mutual. After reviewing our appeal, Liberty Mutual reversed its decision, paid our client’s remaining Short Term Disability benefit, paid the back pay owed on Long Term Disability, and commenced monthly Long Term Disability benefit payments.

Donald – Senior Account Manager – Richland, Washington

A Senior Account Manager became disabled due to his heart conditions. His insurer denied his claim for Short Term and Long Term Disability benefits by sending him letters in the mail. Liberty Mutual claimed that he did not meet their definition of disability. Specifically, they claimed he could work as a Senior Account Manager because they believed there was a lack of objective evidence of impairments that would translate to restrictions or limitations for the insurer to consider him disabled.

He turned to Fields Law Firm to help him fight and appeal Liberty Mutuals’s decisions to deny Short Term and Long Term Disability benefits. The attorneys at Fields Law complied all of his medical records, received doctor reports, and submitted a comprehensive appeal. Liberty Mutual decided to overturn their previous decision and retroactively paid our client all the benefits he should have received for his Short Term and Long Term Disability benefits. He was glad to get almost a year of benefits back as a lump-sum.

Lori – Investigator/Sergeant – Graniteville, Vermont

A sergeant from Vermont suffered from unpredictable chronic migraines that required her to go into a dark room three to four times a week. In addition to physically taking her out of an environment in which she can perform any job duties, these migraines also affect her mental capacity and ability. She was approved for Long Term Disability benefits for 14 years until Liberty Mutual terminated these benefits. After this termination, she reached out to the Fields Law team to help her with the next steps in the process.

The Fields Law attorneys quickly drafted an appeal that pointed to the long history of our client’s condition. We pointed out every doctor that had agreed that our client was totally disabled from working in any occupation, along with getting reports from several of them to prove our client could not work under any circumstances. Not only did the Fields Law attorneys use medical evidence to prove our client’s case, but also letters from real people who had seen her go into one of her migraine episodes. Ultimately, Liberty Mutual had no choice but to approve benefits following this appeal and the hard work put in by the Fields Law team.