Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Maine
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Maine.
Elizabeth – Registered Nurse – Perry, Maine
A Nurse from Maine began having diffuse body aches and cognitive issues. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and was forced to stop working due to the unpredictable waves of symptoms. She was approved forLong Term Disability because she was unable to continue in her duties as a nurse. After two years though, the insurer re-reviewed her claim and said she could do seated work. They denied her claim even though MS is a chronic and degenerative disease.
Angry at the Long Term Disability carrier, she called Fields Law Firm for help. The attorneys at Fields Law appealed the decision with new medical records, a vocational expert to comment on our client’s limitations, and strongly worded letters from her doctors. The insurer upheld the denial. Our attorneys were filed suit in federal court. During the run-up to a hearing, the insurer agreed to huge lump-sum settlement rather than face our strong evidence in court. Our client is pleased with our representation and is able to pay off her mortgage, so she can more easily live on her Social Security income.
Decindra – Occupational Therapy Assistant – Liberty, Maine
An Occupational Therapy Assistant’s chronic physical and mental health conditions forced her out of the workforce. She was initially approved for Short Term Disability benefits, but after several months her benefits were terminated. To make matters worse, her application for Long Term Disability benefits was denied outright, depriving her of a vital source of income. In response, she contacted the team at Fields Law Firm for support and assistance.
Our team began preparing to appeal the insurer’s termination of benefits. We gathered medical records and other documentation of our client’s conditions. Despite our best efforts, however, the insurer was unpersuaded by our appeal argument, and it refused to change its position. Left with no other option, we filed a lawsuit against the insurer in pursuit of the compensation owed to our client.
Throughout the stages of litigation, our attorneys advocated for our client. Our skill and strategy were especially important as it became clear that a favorable settlement was our client’s best-case scenario. The insurer was stubborn during negotiations, but our attorneys were ultimately able to secure a nice offer for our client. She gladly accepted a lump sum far above her bottom-line figure and walked away grateful for all the support she received from Fields Law.
James – Truck Driver – Limerick, Maine
A Truck Driver from Maine developed congestive heart failure, rendering him unable to continue working. His Long Term Disability was denied upon application so he hired Fields Law Firm to fight for his benefits.
The Fields team gathered his updated medical records. We were also able to secure a letter of support and a functional capacity assessment from his primary care provider. Unfortunately, the insurer denied the appeal and our attorneys were forced to file a lawsuit against the insurer in federal court. Our attorneys worked through the litigation until the insurer eventually agreed to begin discussing settlement options. We were able to negotiate a favorable lump sum settlement for our client, recouping much of what the insurer owed him under the policy.