Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Mississippi
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Mississippi.
Cheryl – Switchboard Operator – Port Gibson, Mississippi
Brain Aneurysm, Disc Bulges, Hypertension, Type II Diabetes, Acute Sinusitis, Joint Pain
A Mississippi woman worked as a switchboard operator at a local medical center when she unexpectedly suffered a brain aneurysm. The woman also suffered from disc bulges, hypertension, type II diabetes, acute sinusitis, and joint pain. Despite her conditions, she bravely managed to continue working. However, two years later she suffered another aneurysm in a different part of her brain, and had to undergo emergency surgery to repair the damage. She was forced to leave work as a result of her worsening conditions, but applied for and was granted Short Term Disability benefits. She also applied for Long Term Disability benefits from her insurer but got denied. Mutual of Omaha claimed that her brain aneurysm was a pre-existing condition, and refused to provide benefits.
She needed help fighting Mutual of Omaha, so she came straight to Fields Law Firm knowing our expertise would win her case. Our team of attorneys began gathering supporting documentation from her medical providers, and building a case to support her claim for Long Term Disability benefits. We wrote an appeal of Mutual of Omaha’s decision, arguing that they had selectively ignored evidence in her records and failed to properly understand her conditions as they related to her policy. With notice of their failings, and our clarification of their own policy, Mutual of Omaha soon overturned their decision and granted our client the Long Term Disability benefits she deserved. Our client was very pleased with the result, and soon began to receive regular checks in the mail.
Mark – Aircraft Mechanic – Picayune, Mississippi
Bilateral Total Knee Replacements, Low Back Pain, Bilateral Shoulder Issues
An aircraft mechanic found Fields Law Firm after searching for assistance with is Long Term Disability Benefits. He had developed degenerative arthritis leading to bilateral total knee replacement surgery. Needless to say, he could no longer work. He received benefits for approximately two years, when CIGNA told him his condition had improved enough to return to work at several sedentary jobs.
He hired Fields Law to help with his appeal and we started collecting medical records, soon securing a supportive report from the treating doctor. We submitted the medical records and report to the insurance company along with a memorandum outlining our client’s legal rights under the statute governing the policy. After a brief review, CIGNA reversed its decision to deny benefits and started paying our client’s claim. He was very pleased with the result and decided to hire Fields Law to manage his claim on an ongoing basis to prevent further wrongful denials.
Rose – Security Guard – Coahoma, Mississippi
Back Pain, Sleep Disorder, Panic Attacks, Anxiety
“A security guard from Mississippi was forced to stop working due to her anxiety, panic attacks, and sleeping disorders. She applied for Long Term Disability benefits from Unum, but was informed that she did not meet their definition of disabled. Upset and worried about her lost income, she contacted the attorneys at Fields Law for help with her appeal.
Our attorneys reviewed the medical record and contacted our client’s doctors to obtain reports detailing symptoms and treatments. The medical records from the initial decision were reinforced with the new reports and ultimately Unum overturned their decision. Our client was subsequently awarded back pay and ongoing benefits.”