Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Montana

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Montana.

We've got you covered

Brittaney – Secretary/Accountant – Billings, Montana

A Secretary/Accountant was forced to stop working for her local school district due to frequent migraines and problems with concentration and executive functioning. When her insurer denied her claim for Long Term Disability benefits, she turned to Fields Law for help with an appeal.

Our team gathered her medical records and submitted an appeal on her behalf. While the appeal was being built, our client was able to return to work full-time for a different employer, but in a similar line of work. Knowing that only back-payment was at stake, the insurer offered to settle her case for over half of the benefits owed. Rather than wait through the lengthy review process, our client accepted the offer and was paid most of the past benefits owed.

Lisa – Pharmacy Technician – Stevensville, Montana

A Pharmacy Technician worked until her medical conditions became disabling and forced her out of work. Her initial claim for Long Term Disability benefits was denied by the insurer, so she attempted an appeal without the assistance of counsel. When her appeal was also denied, she contacted the professionals at Fields Law Firm for assistance.

Because our client had already used her appeal attempt, our sole recourse against the insurer was to file a lawsuit. Due to a unique insurance policy at issue, the case was unusually complicated. As a result, our attorneys determined that pursuing a settlement was the best course of action. We sent an initial demand to the insurer, and negotiations began. After trading several offers and counteroffers, our client was eventually presented with an acceptable offer. She gladly accepted the lump sum payout, and was happy with the deal she ended up with.

Ian – Feeder Combine Driver – Helena, Montana

A feeder combine driver from Montana was diagnosed with bipolar disorder causing him to be unable to work. He applied for Long Term Disability benefits, but was denied by the insurer. He retained Fields Law Firm to fight for his claim.

The Fields team appealed his denial, but the insurer maintained their position claiming the medical evidence still didn’t support impairment. The Fields attorneys filed a second mandatory appeal, but the insurer didn’t change their position, so our attorneys filed a lawsuit against the insurer in federal court. The parties litigated the claim for several months before our attorneys sent a demand for settlement. The insurer soon returned a counteroffer and we successfully negotiated a lump sum settlement of our client’s Long Term Disability claim.