Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients Against Mutual of Omaha

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal case wins against Mutual of Omaha.

We've got you covered

Teresa – District Manager – Greensboro, North Carolina

A District Manager in North Carolina worked for several years before she became disabled due to widespread chronic pain and depression. She applied for and Long Term Disability benefits and received payment for three years. She was denied when the definition of disability changed from the Own Occupation standard to the Any Occupation standard.

She found Fields Law online, and retained us to challenge the wrongful denial. Our attorneys ordered updated medical information from our client’s treating providers. After receiving medical information and analyzing the claim file received from Mutual of Omaha, we submitted an appeal strongly supporting our client’s entitlement to past and future benefits. After a short review, Mutual of Omaha agreed to reinstated her benefits.

Cheryl – Switchboard Operator – Port Gibson, Mississippi

A Mississippi woman worked as a switchboard operator at a local medical center when she unexpectedly suffered a brain aneurysm. The woman also suffered from disc bulges, hypertension, type II diabetes, acute sinusitis, and joint pain. Despite her conditions, she bravely managed to continue working. However, two years later she suffered another aneurysm in a different part of her brain, and had to undergo emergency surgery to repair the damage. She was forced to leave work as a result of her worsening conditions, but applied for and was granted Short Term Disability benefits. She also applied for Long Term Disability benefits from her insurer but got denied. Mutual of Omaha claimed that her brain aneurysm was a pre-existing condition, and refused to provide benefits.

She needed help fighting Mutual of Omaha, so she came straight to Fields Law Firm knowing our expertise would win her case. Our team of attorneys began gathering supporting documentation from her medical providers, and building a case to support her claim for Long Term Disability benefits. We wrote an appeal of Mutual of Omaha’s decision, arguing that they had selectively ignored evidence in her records and failed to properly understand her conditions as they related to her policy. With notice of their failings, and our clarification of their own policy, Mutual of Omaha soon overturned their decision and granted our client the Long Term Disability benefits she deserved. Our client was very pleased with the result, and soon began to receive regular checks in the mail.

Victor – Quality Control Inspector – Berwick, Louisiana

A quality control inspector at a metal shop in Louisiana began having serious back pain. He had an MRI and his doctor discovered multiple bulging discs in his back, likely due to a degenerative disc disorder. He experienced severe pain radiating down his right leg, and was unable to walk a few feet without pain. He was forced to quit working and applied for Long Term Disability benefits through his insurer, but was denied. Mutual of Omaha determined that his job was “light duty” and that he was still capable of performing his job responsibilities.

He contacted Fields Law Firm for help with his appeal. The lawyers at Fields Law Firm closely examined our client’s medical record and found that Mutual of Omaha disregarded a key report. One doctor stated that the employee should be considered disabled from his own occupation right in his medical report and the insurer did not consider this statement in its analysis. After compiling additional treatment records, our attorneys filed the appeal.

Mutual of Omaha agreed that there was an error in their original decision and granted back-pay and continued benefits. Our client was happy to have the means to continue treatment and relieved to be done fighting against Mutual of Omaha.