Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in North Carolina

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in North Carolina.

We've got you covered

Lillian – Mortgage Officer – Greenville, North Carolina
HIV-Related Symptoms

A mortgage officer for JP Morgan Chase began experiencing weakness, vertigo, and significant nausea. She initially assumed that the flu-like symptoms would go away, and she would be fine. But the condition worsened, and she scheduled an appointment with the doctor. After several treatments with the doctors and prescription medications, it was clear that the condition was serious. Doctors tested her for an autoimmune disease which was positive. She was terrified as she had several dependents whom she was taking care of.

She applied for and received Long Term Disability for several years as she attempted to find an antidote for her disease. Unfortunately, the insurer, without any warning, suddenly issued a denial letter stating she was no longer disabled, and the much-needed disability checks stopped coming. She tried to work with her doctors to present enough evidence to show that she continued to be disabled, but the insurer would not reverse its decision.

Out of options, she approached Fields Law, and spoke to our staff about her claim. Our attorneys immediately began working with medical providers to obtain the necessary supportive reports, and assembled medical records, and filed a lawsuit. After several weeks of negotiations, Fields Law was able to resolve the case for a significant sum of money, enabling our client to pay her bills and, most importantly, meet the needs of her dependent loved ones.

Pamela – Specimen Processer – Sharpsburg, North Carolina

A 48-year-old woman from North Carolina suffered from several disabilities including bilateral carpel tunnel syndrome, spinal stenosis, and Lyme disease. As a Specimen Processor, she was required to stand for long periods of time, use her hands and wrists, delicately handle blood samples, bacteria cultures and bodily organs, none of which was possible with quivering hands and extreme pain. She received Short Term Disability benefits, but the application for Long Term Disability was denied.

She then hired Fields Law Firm to appeal the denial and our attorneys requested supportive medical reports from her rheumatologist, orthopedist and longtime family physician. The medical report requests were designed to have each doctor answer the right questions relating to the client’s disability, and to explain why she was unable to do her job as a specimen processor. The doctors responded with highly supportive reports clearly showing that our client was disabled and unable to work.

After a brief but careful review, the insurer reversed its denial and awarded Long Term Disability benefits to our client, who will now receive the much-needed Long Term Disability payments to help her get better and hopefully return to the workforce.

Donald – Manufacturing Operator – Raleigh, North Carolina

Just three years away from retirement, a North Carolina man had spent nearly his entire career working in manufacturing. His job required him to stand on his feet all day, running machinery and lifting equipment. After decades of wear and tear, his body eventually hurt too much to continue working. His doctors diagnosed him with osteoarthritis of the hand and lower back, and told him he had also developed heart issues. Knowing his conditions were serious, the man applied for and was granted Social Security Disability benefits.

He also applied for Long Term Disability benefits from his insurance. However, his application was denied by the insurer because he allegedly did not meet the definition of “disabled” and was capable of performing the essential duties of his old job. In their denial, the insurer even admitted to reading the Social Security Administration’s grant of benefits, but still refused to acknowledge his need for Long Term Disability benefits.

The man knew he needed help appealing the denial of his benefits. He contacted Fields Law, and our team of attorneys immediately began building his case. We worked with his physicians to produce supporting medical documentation, and wrote a very strong appeal of the denial. Considering our arguments, the insurer had no choice but to reverse their prior decision and approve our client’s appeal. Our client soon had his benefits reinstated, and also received a check for back pay.