Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in South Carolina

Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.

Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in South Carolina.

We've got you covered

Rodney – Broadband Technician – Spartanburg, South Carolina

Bilateral Shoulder Issues

A broadband technician suffered tears bilaterally in his shoulders. He filed a disability claim and was paid benefits for several years until the insurance company denied his benefits stating that there was no evidence to show he was unable to work. He was confused because he had just undergone a major surgery on one of his shoulders. He submitted his own appeal which was quickly denied.

He hired Fields Law Firm to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company. After preparing for a lawsuit and spotting several mistakes in the insurance company’s review, our attorneys reached out to the company’s senior legal counsel to pursue pre-litigation settlement. The insurance company quickly agreed to pay our client a substantial sum of money.

Margie – Warehouse Stocker – Batesburg, South Carolina

Neurological Condition from Stroke

A warehouse stocker became disabled after suffering a stroke. Her job required her to climb ladders, perform heavy lifting, and spend almost the entire shift on her feet. Her insurer paid her claim for just over a year before denying benefits. They based the denial on recent treatment notes where the claimant’s treating doctor failed to note any sort of neurological deficits, despite problems with imbalance and prolonged walking.

She then decided to hire Fields Law Firm to appeal the decision. Our attorneys reached out to the medical staff at our client’s primary care clinic and requested a narrative report documenting the severe ongoing neurological issues. This report was submitted with updated medical records and vocational information documenting the heavy duties required at the warehouse stocking job. The appeal was so strong that Liberty Mutual reinstated benefits just a week after receiving the documentation. Our client was able to continue treating for her condition with the financial burden of the denial behind her.

Bryan – Manager – Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Multiple Sclerosis, Anxiety, Depression

A manager from South Carolina suffered from Multiple Sclerosis. His condition was debilitating and progressive. He had good days and bad days, but often would suffer from numbness in his extremities, memory deficits, and motor dysfunction. He received Social Security Disability benefits due to his condition. Despite his symptoms and Social Security status, his insurer denied his Long Term Disability benefits because there was insufficient objective evidence of his disability.

Worried about his worsening condition and lost income, he called Fields Law Firm for help. Our team gathered all our client’s medical records and set up neurological tests to bolster the objective evidence supporting the claim. We also gathered and sent our client’s entire Social Security file to show CIGNA that their decision conflicted with a federal agency. After a lengthy reconsideration, the insurance company reversed their decision and our client received a lump-sum payment for back pay and began receiving his monthly benefits again.