Short & Long Term Disability Cases We’ve Won for Our Clients in Vermont
Fields Law Firm successfully recovers millions of dollars each year for our disabled clients throughout the United States. Our Long Term Disability experience is matched by very few other law firms in the country and has earned us a national reputation.
Here are just a few examples of our Long Term Disability appeal and lawsuit case wins in Vermont.
Carla – Receptionist – Windsor, Vermont
A Receptionist from Vermont was forced to end her career due to disabling medical conditions. Initially, she was approved for Long Term Disability benefits, which she received for two years. Her insurance company abruptly terminated her benefits, however, after it reviewed her file and determined that she was able to work despite her conditions. She reached out to Fields Law Firm for assistance, and our team immediately began working to appeal the termination of benefits. Despite providing the insurer with significant evidence supporting our client’s disability claim, the appeal was ultimately denied. Our team then filed a lawsuit against the insurer on behalf of our client.
As the litigation progressed, our attorneys negotiated with the insurer, highlighting the unfair nature of its treatment of our client. The extensive volume of medical records, testimonies from our client’s physicians, and other important information gathered by our team put pressure on the insurer to settle the claim. In the end, our attorneys negotiated a favorable lump-sum settlement for our client, who was glad she chose the Fields Law team to represent her.
Jeffrey – Machine Operator – Springfield, Vermont
A machine operator developed severe pain along his spine and hips. He eventually required a hip replacement surgery and left work indefinitely. He submitted a claim to his Long Term Disability insurance company. Prudential approved his claim and paid him for just a few short months until it denied his benefits without warning. They stated he was able to return to his job lifting up to 50 pounds and standing most of the day. He was shocked because he had not improved much since his major surgery.
He hired Fields Law Firm to fight the denial decision. Our attorneys referred our client to a Functional Capacity Evaluation with a local physical therapist. The testing showed unequivocally that our client was unable to perform the heavy lifting his job required. The testing was submitted to Prudential, along with arguments about the lack of improvement in our client’s condition. After a brief review, Prudential reinstated disability benefits for our client.
Lori – Investigator/Sergeant – Graniteville, Vermont
A sergeant from Vermont suffered from unpredictable chronic migraines that required her to go into a dark room three to four times a week. In addition to physically taking her out of an environment in which she can perform any job duties, these migraines also affect her mental capacity and ability. She was approved for Long Term Disability benefits for 14 years until Liberty Mutual terminated these benefits. After this termination, she reached out to the Fields Law team to help her with the next steps in the process.
The Fields Law attorneys quickly drafted an appeal that pointed to the long history of our client’s condition. We pointed out every doctor that had agreed that our client was totally disabled from working in any occupation, along with getting reports from several of them to prove our client could not work under any circumstances. Not only did the Fields Law attorneys use medical evidence to prove our client’s case, but also letters from real people who had seen her go into one of her migraine episodes. Ultimately, Liberty Mutual had no choice but to approve benefits following this appeal and the hard work put in by the Fields Law team.