Cases We’ve Won For Our Social Security Disability Clients

Nationwide Social Security Disability Law Firm

Fields Law Firm has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the attorneys you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case, including getting your Social Security Disability benefits approved.

Here are just a few of our Social Security Disability winning results.

Younger individual with chronic back pain awarded after hearing

A 38 year old woman suffered a back injury and subsequently developed degenerative disc disease of the cervical and lumbar spine. She was very limited in her ability to sit, stand, lift, and carry. She applied for disability benefits but was denied and had to request a hearing.

We did a thorough workup on her case and obtained numerous narrative reports and opinions from her treating physicians. We had her physicians address her physical limitations and outline what other residual difficulties she would have in a work setting, such as side effects of medication and difficulties with focusing on her work due to her pain levels.

We presented all of this evidence to the Judge at the hearing and argued that due to her difficulties, she would need to take unscheduled breaks throughout the workday and would, therefore, be unemployable since employers would typically not allow for unscheduled breaks. The Judge ultimately awarded her case based on this.

44 year old mother with mental and physical impairments awarded benefits

A client was hurt on the job and suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and back pain. As she remained off of work, she developed anxiety and depression. Social Security initially denied her application and reconsideration appeals, stating that she could return to her old job as a cashier or restaurant worker.

We appealed Social Security’s decision and requested a hearing before a Judge. Prior to the hearing, we obtained medical support for both her physical and mental impairments. We argued that the combination of her physical impairments, TBI, depression, and anxiety, made her totally disabled. We argued that she did not have the ability to properly understand and remember work tasks and instructions.

Specifically, according to Social Security, if an individual has significant (marked) restrictions with the ability to concentrate, maintain social functioning, or the inability to do activities of daily living, they can be eligible for benefits. The Judge ultimately agreed and awarded benefits following the hearing.

Client awarded benefits without having to attend hearing

A 58 year old client who previously served in the military and worked as a computer engineer sought our help after becoming disabled. He suffered from a history of Hepatitis C with cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy, early dementia, and back pain.

Social Security initially denied his application and reconsideration appeal. We filed a request for a hearing. While his hearing was pending, we requested that the Judge award the case via an On-The-Record decision. We argued that due to his Hepatitis C and hepatic encephalopathy he met Social Security’s Listings of Impairments criteria.

Specifically, Social Security required his “serum albumin” level to be below a certain threshold. We carefully examined his medical records for this information and offered a legal argument with medical backing that he should be found disabled. The Judge ultimately sided with us and awarded our client’s case without having to attend a hearing.